Police officers, firefighters, soldier’s of war, these people are all considered bold. Each and every day they place their lives on the line to save someone else and simply write it off as part of the job. But what about those who do not have a choice as to what they do? What about those who have to be bold by life’s reasoning? What about those who have to make split second decision each and every day without a second thought? What about those who decided to follow a dream rather than allow the monotony of life to suffocate their spirit? These persons are too bold! They have exhibited an exterior, strength far beyond compare and for that they should be commended. They have gone against the odds, made a way for themselves, and have essentially proven that being bold is not determined by ones race, gender, age…life.
When will we stop to think that displaying boldness is in effect creating beauty? That to be beautiful involves more than the outworking of one’s appearance, rather at times it requires us to stand alone. When will learn that in solace lies beauty? To be bold is to take a chance, although scared. To be open to receive any of the possibilities that life throws our way. It is to handle life’s problems with such grace and elegance that living becomes effortless.
This month’s edition of Urban Plateau will discuss the latest looks for the fall, changes in one of the leading magazines in the African American community, what life is really like being a single mother, and much more. So, please take a moment to read and reflect on what it exactly means to be bold and beautiful. I guarantee, you will find that you are more valiant and stunning than you ever imagined.
~Tierra Fernandez