Glenwood Community Garden

Community Impact

Journey Life Writing
Glenwood Community Garden

It is not the situations in our lives that demand our minds, but it is our decisions that crave our hearts. Most people do not understand that all of our decisions and actions have a ripple effect. What we say we will not do, what we can not deal with, and what we least expect somehow enters into our lives forcing us to clearly produce an outcome. Yet, what we inevitably are drawn towards, those things that enter into our lives and others that fall into our laps yearning for attention somehow make us stronger.

We are not mechanical beings. Our minds are active forces that produce results, whether it be for good or bad. No love is lost when love isn’t placed into the decisions that we make. Our eyes are somehow shut to poverty, the distresses of life and the downward spiral of humanity. Our ears have become deaf to the never ending police sirens and our hearts, our hearts have somehow become numb to the desires and needs of our fellow man. Why is it that a young teenage shot on the streets of North Philly is common place, police brutality is less than interesting, and wrongful convictions are somehow not that important? Are not the same things that operate within us, sustaining our life, not evoking emotion?

Love stems for the heart. Although many hail it as not being a conscious decision, it is something that we can control. Our minds tell our hearts who to let enter and exit. Our minds tell our hearts when to display affection and our minds tell our hearts when we, as humans, have grown cold. Society has grown cold, humanity has grown cold. And most importantly, when love is not nurtured it dies. Yet, only we can tell our hearts to open its doors and allow the warmth of another to embody our being. Let their smile greet us with graciousness, their broken spirit move us to help and a hand out prompt giving.

All of these things require little action, but a lot of heart. Extending oneself is not a task, yet acceptance is. Learn to accept, choose and decide. Know that whether you opt to throw a wrapper on the ground, invade someone’s home, drink and drive, or distribute narcotics, you are affecting someone else’s life, not just your own. There is a scripture in the bible at Proverbs 27:17, it says “By iron, iron itself is sharpened. So one man sharpens the face of another.” Take the time to sharpen the face of another, lend a helping hand. By doing this, our neighborhoods, our communities, our cities, our states, our countries, and our world will thrive. We as people, as individuals will prosper.

~Tierra Fernandez