From a line that could not be snapped
But somehow
Down the line we’ve been broken and…
This provides us with a measure of solidarity
A sisterhood, a brotherhood which protects in packs
Yet, a present of absent fathers and a quest for a foundation that was never provided.
With no foundation how do we build?
Torn into many pieces and left to be placed backed together
By those whose hands could never mold us properly
And here we are
Visions of him, she, us, and we without a conclusion,
However, our journey will always follow paths to our beginning.
His father a womanizer while his mother turned a blind eye to it.
In her home.
All the while raising wide eyed coco skinned boys who grew to believe that degradation makes the world spin upon its axis.
And she isn’t going anywhere
Because she didn’t
And He is now his father.
And who is she?
Realizing that someone didn’t love him properly.
Hadn’t caressed him the way he should have been
Held him in his time of need
Nor spoke consolingly to him.
Growing up in a household of women is never easy
Having your heart being broken by one is worse.
Steel in the place of feelings, stone in the place of a heart, but…
Life doesn’t run on empty emotions and flex fuels of indecisive thoughts.
One that lost its rhythm.
We come from a line of hand holding and Sunday dinners. Hair brushes and grease, dancing in the front of the mirror and singing into brushes. Where poverty was love and what was most important was the gentle embraces exhibited by another.
When he left
His call to duty had stripped her of her innocence
As she could not process change
Left to grow without the guiding hand of her father
Choosing to avoid the void that claimed her valor
She filled it
Forming a puddle of self-worthless
Over indulgence
And a failed demise
Working tirelessly to defeat his insecurities as he nurtured hers.
And he…
He could never replace him
As change came and gone with deployment
The seasons shifted and she is left
Left to collect the pieces of her shattered soul.
Always tending to children
Neighborhood children
Relatives children
Eventually her own
While she was just a child herself
Seeds of life growing in her womb
She never even experienced life
Or life outside of Philadelphia
But instinct isn’t taught it’s innate
And hers is in a box
We come from a line
A line
A very long line
Of love and faith
Lies and deceit
Family and Food
Untruths and secrets
A line of our business
Then sown back together
But never the same
And where do we go from here?
Where is our glue?