It isn't very often that I take a moment to jot down my thoughts in passing. To be transparent, I haven’t made the time to do so. I’ve purchased beautifully shaded notebooks only to watch them collect dust as they sat inside of Barnes & Noble bags with the receipts as book marks. I haven’t created the space for my brain to wander as it has been occupied with the preoccupations of my secular job and not nearly enough times has been spent allowing my thoughts to rest…in my thoughts.
I haven’t allowed mind to open its gateway to find peace and serenity, the kind of calmness that comes with the unraveling of words and capturing of phrases. To these things I have been closed off and wayward, yet in an attempt to regain a bit of structure and to process all of what crosses my mind, in a passing thought I:
- Remembered that the word No is a sentence all its own. I must recognize its power and that by using it willingly I will guard and strengthen myself.
- Noticed that some people are just beautiful in spirit. Their essence is one that glows and residing in the same space with them makes me fortunate.
- Uttered “traveling is not a luxury it’s a necessity.”
- Made a promise to myself to evaluate and re-evaluate my priorities. The only person that can and will ever be in control of my happiness is me. My values do not change and some priorities will always be foundational.
I thought all of these things and decided to write them down.
*Photo by Luis Llerena